This is a huge subject with many millions of words written about the subject. We have tried to condense it.
Keep It Simple
Differentiate your image/brand as much as possible from you competitors. When you ask “What do you think of Estate Agents?” the number one answer is “All Estate Agents are the same”.
So do as much as possible to be different and make your brand stand out.
If you have a long, difficult or even a short name, creating a logo/image is one of the most successful marketing tools. You must get behind it and use it everywhere. Foxton’s have become so successful with theirs, they don’t even need to put their name on their ‘For Sale’ boards anymore they just use their ‘F’.
Pick Your Market
As markets get more mature/competitive firms focus more on market segment i.e. bottom, middle or top end of the market.
Winkworth branding is one of the few brands that travel from bottom to top, which is a great achievement. Designing for your customers in mind is a viable and professional perspective.
The Lady of the House
In most markets the motivation for moving is usually initiated by the lady of the house and invite/select 2-3 agents to value their home.
At the very top end of the market where the property is part of a pension/investment, the motivation is usually male driven.
Space Sells
Don’t crowd your design; you can only serve up so much information at one time.
Make Your Brand Work in the Most Seen Medium First
- The For Sale/To Let Board
- VehicleAdvertising
- Shop Front/Fascia Sign
- Newspaper and Leaflet drops
- Websitedesign
- Your printed matter is least important. Once somebody has your business card/letter head, you have their name/details.
Remember you are dealing with the subconscious part of the mind, if you get it right, it will pass into the conscious mind when it comes to selecting the agents to put their property on with.
If one accepts that the design comes from the board backwards, the branding has to work from a distance.